Nature is my generative force, creative pursuit my constant companion. As a lifelong practitioner of the arts, steeped in theory, practice, and tradition, I seek out new structures within which to play. The miniscule, microscopic and the macroscopic dynamics of natural forces drive me. Momentary encounters diffract and open pathways of flow into and out of a trajectory, each piece an investigation of observations and curiosities, a progression from one work to the next. Space is in constant flux. Color and pattern are my metaphors for natural rhythms and nature’s underlying mysteries. Color relationships generate movement and space. The works flow from the landscape, land- desert- mountains and water, or distilled to earth and sky. In juxtaposing warm and cool colors, areas fall away and re-enter the frame in a spectral continuum providing a point of departure for the contemplation of our relationship to the nature of creation.
Each new image evolves from my previous work. I begin by overlaying images with an irregular crystalline grid and then transforming them digitally into new compositions. I find this to be an engaging and creative process, utilizing the computer as my sketchbook as I had used my camera in the past. After developing a number of digital sketches, I begin transferring the images to the painting panels. To do this, I draw the outline of the forms within the composition. These line drawings become the matrix for the prints. Both the paintings and the prints are the continuum of my interest in color, the color of light, and how it changes throughout the day and how it identifies a sense of place. By investigating the same structure in two different ways, painting and prints, I find they create polarity within this sense of place. While the prints are rooted in the terrestrial and the Origin, the paintings convey the Celestial and moments of dissolution.